
Strategy of the Maison du tourisme

Marketing plan 2022-2027

The Maison du tourisme du Livradois-Forez has drawn up a new strategy to raise awareness of the destination as part of its 2022-2027 marketing plan. This plan answers a few simple questions:

  • What is the destination we want to promote collectively?
  • How does Livradois-Forez compare with other destinations?
  • Which customer profiles should be attracted to the region’s tourism offerings?
  • What specific actions should be implemented?

In short, it was decided not to capitalize solely on what everyone talks about: preserved nature and outdoor activities. Drawing on the reputation of the “Auvergne” brand and surfing on the “consumer-actor” trend, we decided to offer visitors original, innovative experiences in “Livradois-Forez, Regional Nature Park in Auvergne”. Here, we can also offer our holidaymakers the chance to make their own knife in Thiers or a sheet of paper in Ambert, take part in a music workshop in La Chaise-Dieu or a dramatized city tour in Billom. And the examples are numerous. One of the challenges of the plan is also to ensure that tourism service providers who so wish can communicate more consistently outside the region, using common graphic elements (via a brand code).

The Maison du tourisme website is the destination’s main medium. A blog, a new Facebook page, an Instagram account and a new destination magazine will enable us to disseminate information in a different, more lively and contemporary way. By equipping itself with customer relationship management software, the Maison du tourisme will seek to increase the number of customers/prospects in the database, to get to know them better and to propose offers to them more regularly. Finally, to adapt to these changes, the Maison du tourisme’s technical team has been reorganized with a new organizational chart.

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