Group work
Christian is in charge of tying them up, but the closer we get to them, the more excited they get. In all, there are twelve dogs who will pull us along for the ride. I take the time to get to know some of them. I confess I can’t remember all their names. But they’re all beautiful Nordic dogs. Some have very long heads, while others have white and brown or white and grey coats. Amongst this horde of canines, there’s one who looks at me with his big minnow eyes, impatiently waiting to be stroked. This one is Lascar. And needless to say, he’s my favorite.
Once the carriage is in place, the ride can begin. As soon as Christian releases the brake, we’re off at dog speed. Strategic places are reserved for them. Naturally, the leaders are in first place. These are the dogs with the most training, the oldest ones, the ones who are most excited to get going. Last on the list is the newest member of the family. Open is only 14 months old and is experiencing his first races. He seems a little more fearful and keeps turning around to look at us. Perhaps he wants to check that we’re still there.